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Monday, January 21, 2013

Wicked Valentine Forum Set

*Click the tag for full view*

This tutorial was written by Brunette on January 21st 2013.
 Any similarity to any other tutorial is purely coincidental.
Do not copy and paste my tutorials or claim as your own you may link to them for group challenges.

What you'll need:

You'll need a tube of choice I am using a gorgeous tube by Ismael Rac. Which you can purchase at his store HERE.

A gorgeous PTU kit by Inzpired Creationz called Wicked Valentine which you can find purchase at Rac's store HERE.
This is an exclusive kit to match the tube.

Fonts of choice - I am using a pixel font for the copyright and Carpenter ICG for the name.

Let's get started!

Open a new canvas 650 x 250.

Copy and paste your tube or close up as a new layer and arrange it to your liking, duplicate it and move it where you want continue to do that until the canvas is covered. Then merge all these layers together and duplicate then go to adjust-blur-gauassian blur set to 3 and change the blend mode to overlay.

Open up paper 10 from the kit copy and paste it on top of the duplicated tube layer change the blend mode to screen then duplicate it and change the blend mode of that layer to soft light. Open up paper 9 copy and paste it on top of the duplicated paper layer and change the blend mode to Color L lower the opacity a bit.

Open up scattered hearts 2 from the kit copy and paste them as a new layer near the bottom part of your tag re-size them so they fit nicely.

Open up scattered hearts 1 from the kit copy and paste them as a new layer re-size and arrange to your liking.

Now copy and paste your tube as a new layer arrange and re-size to your liking then duplicate go to adjust-blur-gaussian blur set to 3 and change the blend mode to soft light.

Copy and paste the sparkles from the kit re-size and arrange them to your liking, this layer should be over the tube.

Now we're going to do the borders. Go to the very bottom layer of your canvas it should be blank click it then  go to selections-modify-contract by 6 then invert add a new layer flood fill with a color of choice then add some noise if you like. Arrange this layer so its at the top of your layers. Repeat these steps but change the number you contract by to 3.

Now in a font and color of choice add your name in a color of choice then go to selections-select all-float-defloat-modify and expand by 2 then add a new layer and flood fill with a color of choice then go to selections-modify and expand by 2 again add a new layer and flood fill with the same color you typed out your name in. Arrange that layer below everything other font layer and add a drop shadow I used H 1 V 1 Opacity 60  Blur 6.00 Color Black.

Now for the avatar all I did was open up a new canvas 150x150 closed off the border layers and copyright layers on my banner then copy merged  and pasted it as a new layer on the 150x150 canvas. Arrange it to your liking even re-size it a little if you want. Then again go to the bottom layer then go to selections-modify-contract by 6 then invert add a new layer and flood fill with the same color as you did on the banner. Arrange this layer so its at the top of your layers. Repeat these steps but change the number you contract by to 3.

Of course add your name or the first letter of your name it your full name won't fit then be sure to add your copyright info to your avatar as well.

I hope you enjoyed this tutorial and found it easy to follow.

I would LOVE to see your results to any tutorials that you do, you can email results to me or post them on my page on facebook if you have a facebook account.



My blinkies ♥

CT ♥

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