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Sunday, May 30, 2010

♥ Kinky Witch ♥

Kinky Witch 
This tutorial was written by Brunette on May 30th 2010. Any similarity to any other tutorial is purely coincidental.
Do not copy and paste my tutorials or claim as your own you may link to them for group challenges.

You'll need a tube of choice I am using the gorgeous art of Keith Garvey you can purchase his art to use for tags at MPT.
Eye Candy 4000 (optional)
Font of choice
Mask of Choice
A kit of choice I am using a beautiful kit from Cora over at Pimp my tags with Scraps called Tabitha.

Open a new transparent canvas 700x700 you can always re-size layer.
Open up Frame 3 from the kit with your magic wand click inside the squares then selections-modify-expand by 4. Open up paper 8 paste as a new layer selections-invert and hit delete DO NOT deselect yet. The tube I am using comes with a closeup copy and paste your tube in the squares different parts for different squares. Delete what over hangs out of the frame or into another square. Hide everything but your tubes in the squares and merge visible then duplicate then go to adjust-blur-Gaussian blur set at 3.00 change the blend mode to overlay and the original layer to Luminance L. Now unhide everything.

I wrote kinky witch in different places on the tag you can do this or not its up do you. I added a gradient glow that I will show in a screen shot a few steps down and a drop shadow.

Open up ribbon 10 from the kit paste it as a new layer make sure its on top of all the other layers, re-size so it fits over the squares and its not over hanging too much. Then open up the staple re-size it so it fits nicely over the ribbon rotate it so it looks like its holding the ribbon on the frame. Do the same with the other side.

Copy and paste your tube as a new layer duplicate it then go to adjust-blur-Gaussian blur set at 3.00 change the blend mode to soft light and add a drop shadow to the original tube layer.

Open up paper 4 paste it as a new layer but move it all the way to the bottom in the layer palette. Add a mask of choice.

Add your name in a font of choice I added some noise to it which is shown in the screen shot below as well as the gradient glow I used, then add a drop shadow.

Add your copyright and license number if applicable save as png or jpeg whichever you prefer and we're done!
 I hope you enjoyed this tutorial and found it easy to follow.



My blinkies ♥

CT ♥

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